[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2021-11-04 on the Duolingo Spanish for English speakers forum by DaveWilson733333 ]
(Updated) Links to all stories that were removed in the last update! (and previous updates)
They did another stories removal update yesterday, and removed the rest of the old stories without the Duo characters. Although most of these are in the official old stories database, it requires a lot of clicking and the post hasn't been updated in a long time, so I'll continue with my own.
I have to say I'm kinda disgusted that they removed these, I thought with them being more advanced and multi-part classics they would actually keep them while continuing to add new ones. Oh well... I should have known they would choose the worst option possible. Remove them all and not even with an additional content update :)
The stories removed in previous updates will be in the second post. Also if you don't want to use them in listen mode just delete '?mode=listen' from the address. If I've missed any, someone let me know, thanks.
Here you go: (REMINDER: you have to be on the stories page in spanish before you copy in the link for them to work).
Lost Cat https://www.duolingo.com/stories/es-el-gato-perdido-avatar?mode=listen
Crystals - Part 1 https://www.duolingo.com/stories/es-cristales-1?mode=listen
Crystals - Part 2 https://www.duolingo.com/stories/es-cristales-2?mode=listen
Grandma's Gift https://www.duolingo.com/stories/es-el-regalo-de-la-abuela?mode=listen