Monday, January 31, 2022

Removed Spanish stories

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2021-11-04 on the Duolingo Spanish for English speakers forum by  ]

(Updated) Links to all stories that were removed in the last update! (and previous updates)

They did another stories removal update yesterday, and removed the rest of the old stories without the Duo characters. Although most of these are in the official old stories database, it requires a lot of clicking and the post hasn't been updated in a long time, so I'll continue with my own.

I have to say I'm kinda disgusted that they removed these, I thought with them being more advanced and multi-part classics they would actually keep them while continuing to add new ones. Oh well... I should have known they would choose the worst option possible. Remove them all and not even with an additional content update :)

The stories removed in previous updates will be in the second post. Also if you don't want to use them in listen mode just delete '?mode=listen' from the address. If I've missed any, someone let me know, thanks.

Here you go: (REMINDER: you have to be on the stories page in spanish before you copy in the link for them to work).

Lost Cat

Crystals - Part 1

Crystals - Part 2

Grandma's Gift

Vocab per Skill Unit for the German / EN Course (133 Skills)

 [#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2020-09-14 on the Duolingo German for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Note: this is not the most recent version of the course, only the newest where FieryCat's list exists. (Tree 10)

Vocab per Skill Unit for the German / EN Course (133 Skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Words:
    1. hallo, und, bitte, Kaffee, Milch, a, o
    2. danke, Tee, Wasser, Brot, Wein, e, wa
    3. oder, Bier, tschüss, ja, nein, tscha, ra

Family [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4
  • Words:
    1. ein, eine, Vater, ich, Mutter, bin, vier
    2. mein, meine, Schwester, Bruder, Mann, ei, ü
    3. du, bist, Tochter, Sohn, Frau, i, ach
    4. ist, nett, groß, sehr, klug, lag, eß

Vocab per Skill Unit for the German / EN Course (121 skills)

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2017-01-19 on the Duolingo German for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Note: this is not the most recent version of the course, but the stable/old version (Tree 3)

Vocab per Skill Unit for the German / EN Course (121 skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Words:
    1. Mann, Frau, Junge, ich, bin, ein, eine
    2. du, bist, Kind, Mädchen, und
    3. Brot, er, sie, es, ist, trinkt, Wasser

The [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 1
  • Words:
    1. der, die, das

Vocab per Skill Unit for the French / EN Course (199 Skills)

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2020-10-10 on the Duolingo French for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Note: this is not the most recent version of the course, only the newest where FieryCat's list exists.

Vocab per Skill Unit for the French / EN Course (199 Skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4
  • Words:
    1. un, homme, garçon, chat, et, un, chat
    2. une, femme, suis, fille, je, je, une
    3. chien, cheval, c'est, tu, es, c'est, tu
    4. croissant, orange, mange, manges, pizza, ant, oi

Greetings [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4
  • Words:
    1. bonjour, ça va, comment, bien, oui, ou, ça
    2. bonsoir, merci, salut, toi, très, è, ci
    3. à bientôt, au revoir, enchanté, bonne journée, bienvenue, é, au
    4. bonne nuit, beaucoup, bonne soirée, à demain, salut, ain, eau

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Japanese / EN Course (131 skills)

 [#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2020-04-08 on the Duolingo Japanese for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Note: this is not the most recent version of the course, only the newest where FieryCat's list exists.

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Japanese / EN Course (131 skills)

Part 1

Hiragana 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 5
  • Words:
    1. に, いち, い, ち, に
    2. さん, よん, ん, さ, よ
    3. ろく, なな, く, ろ, な
    4. はい, おはよう, お, は, う
    5. あお, あか, しろ, あ, か, し

Hiragana 2 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 5
  • Words:
    1. よる, よむ, きる, む, き, る
    2. のむ, やさい, おさけ, や, け, の
    3. すし, すき, てりやき, す, て, り
    4. あまい, ほしい, きたない, ま, ほ, た
    5. わたし, こんにちは, さようなら, こ, ら, わ

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Spanish / EN Course (178 Skills)

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2020-08-28 on the Duolingo Spanish for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Note: this is not the most recent version of the course, only the newest where FieryCat's list exists.

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Spanish / EN Course (178 Skills)

Part 1

Intro - Introduction [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Words:
    1. el, hombre, la, mujer, yo, un, una, soy, niño, niña
    2. él, es, ella, come, tú, eres, manzanas, manzana
    3. pan, como, comes, agua, leche, bebe, bebo, bebes

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Words:
    1. hola, adiós, gracias, buenos días, buenas noches, mucho gusto
    2. sí, no, perdón, por favor, de nada, lo siento
    3. hablo, hablas, español, inglés, disculpe

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Yiddish / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2021-10-05 on the Duolingo Yiddish for English speakers forum by daKanga ] 

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Yiddish / EN Course

List of words for the Duolingo course,

Course Overview

  • 2297 words
  • 10 units
  • 94 skills

UNIT 1 OF 10


1 . אַ, מ, ע, ן
2 . ל, ב, אָ, ר
3 . באַן, מאַמע, מאַן, מען, בער, באַר
4 . באַלאָן


1 . פּ, ש, י, ד
2 . ו, פ, נ, ז
3 . ף, ט, אי, או
4 . אַלטער, אין, ריפּ, ליפּ, איז, פיש, ליד
5 . פּיראַמיד, לאָנדאָן, זעברע, מאַדריד, דעלפין

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Welsh / EN Course (118 skills)

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2016-12-21 on the Duolingo Welsh for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Welsh / EN Course (118 skills)

Part 1

Greet 1 - Greetings 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 2
  • Words:
    1. bore da, hwyl, da, nos
    2. dw i, draig, croeso, prynhawn

Greet 2 - Greetings 2 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 2
  • Words:
    1. iawn, diolch, dim, sut, dych chi
    2. gwych, yn well, wedi blino, yn waeth, pwy

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Vietnamese / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-04-25 on the Duolingo Vietnamese for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Vietnamese / EN Course

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: tôi, bạn, là, đàn ông, phụ nữ, người, anh ấy, cô ấy, táo, ăn, bánh mì, uống, nước, học, đứa trẻ, nước ép, bé gái, cậu bé, cô gái, muốn, một

Alphabet 1 - Alphabet Introduction 1 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: và, cái, con, một, cá, ca, cà phê, ăn, cắn, an, gà, ong, nhà ga, găng tay, ở, dơi, dơ, đu quay, có, đu đủ, dê, ô, dì

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Ukrainian / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-02-11 on the Duolingo Ukrainian for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Ukrainian / EN Course

Letters 1 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: мама, тато, там, так, і, та, де, кіт, дім, мед, тітка, тома, це, а, хто, дід, я, не, ні, мати, ти, ми

Letters 2 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 5 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 || 60
  • Words: сад, син, сік, донька, дядько, мій, моя, чай, чий, чия, студент, студентка, студенти, він, вона, вони, ви, тут, будинок, чоловік, сіль, хліб, молоко, їм, їсте, м'ясо

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Turkish / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-04-25 on the Duolingo Turkish for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Turkish / EN Course

Basics [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: elma, su, bir, ekmek, ye, ve, iç, veya, kız, yer, erkek, adam, içer, kadın, o, sen, içersin, yersin, çocuk, ben, yerim, içerim, biz, yeriz, süt, içeriz, onlar, sandviç

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

  • Tips and notes: no
  • Number of lessons: 5 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 || 60
  • Words: teşekkürler, merhaba, özel isimler, memnun oldum, hoşça kal, hoşça kalın, iyi, akşamlar, hayır, görüşürüz, geceler, evet, şanslar, teşekkür, affedersin, günaydın, güle güle, rica, ederim, tebrik, biliyorum, türkçe, ingilizce, lütfen, bilmiyorum, selam, hoş geldin, hoş geldiniz, iyiyim, nasılsın, nasılsınız, tamam

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Swedish / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2012-12-21 on the Duolingo Swedish for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Swedish / EN Course


  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Words: man, kvinna, är, pojke, flicka, jag, en, han, hon, ett, äpple, och, äter, dricker, vatten, mannen, kvinnan, bröd

Basics 2

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Words: vi, läser, ni, kvinnor, tidning, de, män, flickor, pojkar, du, smörgås, ris, barn, mjölk, bok, meny, det, har, pojken, flickan, barnet, brev

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Swahili / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-06-01 on the Duolingo Swahili for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Swahili / EN Course

Intro - Introduction [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 15 || 36
  • Words: mimi, ni, mmarekani, mchina, wewe, yeye, mtanzania, mkenya, mholanzi, sisi, ninyi, wao, wachina, wamarekani, waholanzi, watanzania, wakenya, jina, langu, lako, rehema, emilian, juma, nani, la, lake

Greetings - Greetings 1 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: habari, leo, usiku, asubuhi, mchana, za, ya, jioni, nyumbani, baba, mama, kaka, dada, bibi, karibu, babu, kazi, poa, salama, safi, mambo, nzuri, umeshindaje, umeamkaje, umelalaje, sijambo, hujambo, hajambo, hatujambo, hamjambo, hawajambo, na

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Scottish Gaelic / EN Course (107 Skills)

 [#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2021-09-26 on the Duolingo Scottish Gaelic for English speakers forum by daKanga ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Scottish Gaelic / EN Course (107 Skills)

Course Overview

  • 3525 words
  • 9 units
  • 107 skills



1 , cat, muc, cù, balach, caileag, agus
2 , mòr, beag, snog, tha, Calum, Eilidh, Anna
3 , chan eil, math, dona, gàidhlig, caraid, bò, Iain
4 , piseag, seo, tunnag, Irn bru, Mòrag, cearc


1 , aran, hama, ìm, cèic, biadh, blasta, is toil leam
2 , sgadan, buntàta, iasg, càise, uisge, cha toil leam
3 , gu mòr, taigeis, rìs, brochan, uisge-beatha, seo
4 , salann, sin, piobar, idir, brot, guga

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Russian / EN Course (79 Skills)

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2016-03-23 on the Duolingo Russian for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Russian / EN Course (79 Skills)

Part 1

Alphabet - Alphabet 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 5
  • Words:
    1. это, том, мама, там, тим, дом, дима, медик
    2. а, анна, не, папа, мой, да, мотор, радио, я
    3. нет, велосипед, свитер, вот, актёр, такси, ты
    4. гитара, цирк, кафе, в, метро, моя, где, пицца
    5. дженни, ем, пюре, борщ, суши, багаж, рюкзак

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4
  • Words:
    1. женщина, мужчина, здесь, этот, она, мальчик
    2. яблоко, ест, и, парк, он, оно, наше, кофе
    3. человек, девочка, вы, женщины, они, хлеб, не
    4. или, россия, украина, америка, канада, город

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Romanian / EN Course

 [#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-04-24 on the Duolingo Romanian for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Romanian / EN Course

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 5 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 25 || 60
  • Words: bărbat, femeie, băiat, fată, eu, sunt, un, o, nu, copil, tu, ești, el, ea, este, e, și, măr, pâine, mănânc, mănânci, apă, lapte, beau, bei, sau, bărbatul, băiatul, copilul, mărul, mănâncă, suc, ceai, cafea, bea, femeia, fata, pâinea, apa, laptele, sucul, ceaiul, cafeaua

Basics 2 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 6 | 6 | 12 | 18 | 30 || 72
  • Words: am, ai, are, meniu, sandvici, orez, mere, copii, două, noi, suntem, avem, voi, sunteți, aveți, bărbați, băieți, doi, ei, ele, sunt, au, femei, fete, merele, carte, ziar, mâncăm, bem, mâncați, beți, mănâncă, beau, orezul, sandviciul, meniul, citesc, scriu, citești, scrii, citește, scrie, mesaj, scrisoare, ziarul, citim, scriem, citiți, scrieți, scrisoarea, mesajul, cartea

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Portuguese / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-04-9 on the Duolingo Portuguese for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Portuguese / EN Course

Basics 1 - Basics I [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 15 || 36
  • Words: homem, mulher, eu, sou, um, uma, menino, maçã, menina, casa, carro, e, tenho, pão, água, leite, como, bebo

Basics 2 - Basics II [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: o, a, bola, cachorro, ele, ela, tem, é, chave, gato, bebe, lê, come, cerveja, laranja, jornal, carta, leio, livro, você, escrevo, escreve

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Polish / EN Course

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-02-10 on the Duolingo Polish for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Polish / EN Course

Basics 1 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 15 || 36
  • Words: chłopiec, je, jabłko, mężczyzna, dziewczynka, kobieta, jestem, ja, jest, ona, on, kobietą, mężczyzną, jem, chleb, pije, i, wodę, piję, mleko, dziewczynką, chłopcem

Basics 2 [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 4 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 20 || 48
  • Words: mężczyźni, kobiety, mają, dziewczynki, chłopcy, jedzą, dziecko, mam, ma, ciasteczka, mamy, my, one, oni, dzieci, ty, jesteś, masz, lubisz, lubię, lubi, lubią, macie, wy, lubimy

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Norwegian / EN Course (172 skills)

[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-09-10 on the Duolingo Norwegian for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Norwegian / EN Course (172 skills)

Part 1

Intro - Introduction [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 15 || 36
  • Words: er, du, en, jeg, hvem, mann, kvinne, hun, han, gutt, jente, og, det, ikke, glad

What? - Who? What? Where? [test]

  • Tips and notes: yes
  • Number of lessons: 3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 15 || 36
  • Words: vi, et, har, hva, barn, dere, i, der, katt, hvor, sitter, norge, de, her, eple, brød, vann, vet

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Navajo / EN Course (11 Skills)

 [#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2020-05-28 on the Duolingo Navajo for English speakers forum by FieryCat ]

Vocab per Skill Unit for the Navajo / EN Course (11 Skills)

Intro - Introduction [test]

  • Tips: no
  • Number of lessons: 3
  • Voice acting: 100.0%
  • Words:
    1. yáʼátʼééh, ahéheeʼ, hágoóneeʼ, shimá
    2. ni, haash yinilyé, dóó, yáʼátʼééh abiní
    3. góó, naat'áaniinééz, diníyá, déyá, daʼ

Family [test]

  • Tips: no
  • Number of lessons: 2
  • Voice acting: 100.0%
  • Words:
    1. shizheʼé, shimá yazhí, shí nalí asdzaan, shimasaní, bee, shi, hólǫ́
    2. shicheii, shíyeʼ, atsilí, ánaaí, ádí, adáʼí

Frequently asked questions. (What is the difference between ...?)

Here are some questions (and answers) that come up often. Here I mainly focus on the What is the difference? type of questions. Q: What is t...