Thursday, January 27, 2022

Table of Contents

The problem with van & nincs:

When to use van/vannak

Van and nincs

Is, sem, and double negatives

nincs, nincsenek, sem, sincs, sincsenek

Word order posts by vvsey: 

Other grammar or vocabulary posts: 

Nem - hanem sentences

Words always or never in focus

Word order in questions


Examples with preverb át

Az ablakon át

elé, előtt, elől

Infinitive verbs

Possessive suffixes


This, That

azok között a városok között
Az a férfi olvas, aki a fa alatt ül.
Nyolc meg három az tizenegy.
Ezek almák?
Szép, fehér madarak repülnek át a tengeren.

Frequently asked questions. (What is the difference between ...?)

Using egy

előtt és elöl

pohár és üveg

piros és vörös

-ja or -juk

Plural Adjectives

Accusative nouns

Plural nouns

és, meg, pedig

Present conditional tense/mood question.

Subjunctive form

How shall we count with Hungarian numbers?

Superessive case

Family members in Hungarian - more than what Duo teaches

Ami, amelyik, amely

The Hungarian alphabet

Baby animals

95 Core Concepts in Hungarian

Hány, mennyi

Are all of the cases covered in this course?

Hungarian Cases For Beginners

How to say "Yes" in Hungarian

Difference between "mellett" and "-nél/-nál"?

Singular vs plural

Relative word order

Neutral word order?


Posts written by

The use of articles in Hungarian

Hungarian in focus -- Word order
Már and még
Hungarian passive voice
Direct Object and Conjugation
Use of plural in Hungarian
Hungarian suffixes
Vowel harmony
Vowel lengthening in Hungarian
Vowel shortening in Hungarian
Connecting vowels
Variations on a theme -- Word order
Consonant rules
Verb argument
Cleft sentences
Topic, focus and others
Lenni vagy nem lenni
An overview of the verb conjugation
The Verb + Infinitive structure
The brief history of the Hungarian language
Ambiguities in the Hungarian language 
Hungarian sentence intonation
Hungarian word order reloaded
The VSO word order
Expression of possession in Hungarian
The use of bare nouns

Duolingo history:


About other languages:

Scope and sequence for Spanish, French, and English CEFR-alligned Duolingo courses

about Duolingo stories:

Duolingo stories translated to Hungarian

Duolingo vocabulary lists (created by FieryCat and daKanga)

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Frequently asked questions. (What is the difference between ...?)

Here are some questions (and answers) that come up often. Here I mainly focus on the What is the difference? type of questions. Q: What is t...