[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2019-01-15 on the Duolingo Hungarian for English speakers forum by jzsuzsi ] https://archive.ph/laGcz
Collection of useful forum posts
If you don't want to click through all of these, just quickly get some answers (to questions that come up often and have relatively short answers) take a look at this:
Frequently asked questions. What is the difference between ... kérek/akarok, tud/ismer, idős/öreg/régi, kettő/két, kicsi/kis, hanem/de ... https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/here-are-some-questions-and-answers.html
When should we omit „van”?
Main post: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/when-to-use-vanvannak.html
see also: https://archive.ph/aXaMb sentence discussion for „A férfi tűzoltó”
Van and nincs
What is a general statement? https://archive.ph/C614U (sentence discussion)
An adjective is singular or plural:
Main post: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/plural-adjectives.html
(also for milyen and milyenek)
see also: https://archive.ph/ldxCo (sentence discussion) „Mi van a kicsi táskákban?”
The use of articles in Hungarian https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-use-of-articles-in-hungarian.html
Using "egy" https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/using-egy.html
Nem- Hanem sentences
Hungarian Cases For Beginners
Difference between "mellett" and "-nél/-nál"
(and also https://archive.ph/bDPqJ sentence discussion)
Ami, amelyik, amely
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/19015205 = https://archive.ph/tdBxk
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17279272 = https://archive.ph/gvEFb (SD)
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/26839319 = https://archive.ph/FAhGu (SD)
Is, sem, and double negatives
előtt és elöl https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/elott-es-elol.html
elől, előtt, elé https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17986625 = https://archive.ph/uqPKq (SD)
Verb conjugations (present tense, indefinite)
Grammar details: Definite and Indefinite https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/definite-and-indefinite-conjugation.html
Definite and indefinite conjugations with pronouns https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/verb-conjugations-with-accusative.html
How to say "Yes" in Hungarian https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/how-to-say-yes-in-hungarian.html
Preverbs: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/preverbs.html
azok között a városok között
"To have" sentences: placement of van
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/22687684 = https://archive.ph/pE6QC (SD)
Possessives and to have sentences:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/25465606 = https://archive.ph/Dwq3Z (SD)
Nominative v. Dative possession. (possessive chain, "my friend's daughter's shoe") https://duolingo.hobune.stream/comment/30370593
-ja or -juk https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/ja-or-juk.html
Singular or plural: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/singular-vs-plural.html
Word order
vvsey: On Emphasis and Word Order in Hungarian https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/on-emphasis-and-word-order-in-hungarian.html
vvsey: Structure and word order of a Hungarian sentence https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/structure-and-word-order-of-hungarian.html
vvsey: Once more on Hungarian Word Order https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/once-more-on-hungarian-word-order.html
peter. kristof. hu: Hungarian in focus https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/hungarian-in-focus-word-order.html
peter. kristof. hu: Hungarian word order reloaded
jzsuzsi: Words always or never in focus
Vocab per Skill Unit for the Hungarian / EN Course https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/vocab-per-skill-unit-for-duolingo.html
FieryCat's word lists for all language courses
Profession or profession-nő https://www.duolingo.com/comment/16435624 = https://archive.ph/rIFoU (SD)
Piros and vörös https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/piros-and-voros.html
Numbers: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/how-shall-we-count-with-hungarian.html
95 Core Concepts in Hungarian https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/95-core-concepts-in-hungarian.html
A list for types of táska https://archive.ph/ldxCo (sentence discussion)
Family members https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/02/family-members-in-hungarian-more-than.html
Resources for learning:
Some posts by peter.kristof.hu:
Tips & Notes
Memrise course for words
Translation of stories:
Jó reggelt: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/stories-jo-reggelt.html
Egy randi: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/stories-egy-randi.html
Egy dolog: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/duolingoforumgems-posted-on-2020-09-04.html
Egy piros kabát: https://magyarbagoly.blogspot.com/2022/01/stories-egy-piros-kabat.html
Feel free to add more posts that I didn't find :)
Interesting sentence discussions
sentence discussion for „A férfi tűzoltó”
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16452993 = https://archive.ph/aXaMb
What is a general statement?
"Az éttermekben gazdag emberek esznek."
Translation: Rich people eat in the restaurants.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17332489 = https://archive.ph/C614U
"Mi van a kicsi táskákban?"
Translation:What is in the small bags?
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16889846 = https://archive.ph/ldxCo
"Nem eszitek meg a vacsorát?"
Translation: Aren't you going to eat the dinner?
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/23947973 = https://archive.ph/AyJIr
"Nem a banknál, hanem az étteremnél."
Translation: Not by the bank, but by the restaurant.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/19991842 = https://archive.ph/bDPqJ
Ami, amelyik, amely
"The ones that are standing in front of the new taxis are not old."
Translation: Azok nem régiek, amik az új taxik előtt állnak.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/19015205 = https://archive.ph/tdBxk
"Az az iroda a harmadik emeleten olyan, amilyen ez."
Translation: That office on the third floor is like this one.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17279272 = https://archive.ph/gvEFb
Ott... ahol "A kések ott vannak, ahol a villák."
Translation: The knives are where the forks are.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/26839319 = https://archive.ph/FAhGu
About arról - amerről:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17205336 = https://archive.ph/uQWvc
Translation: From his direction?
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17986625 = https://archive.ph/uqPKq
Definite and indefinite conjugations with pronouns
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16790034 = https://archive.ph/7Vum9
"Köszönöm, szeretlek!"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16571465 = https://archive.ph/V9uba
"Minket vagy titeket keres Zsuzsa?"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17624856 = https://archive.ph/hrVg1
"Van egy nagy hegy azok között a japán városok között."
Translation: There is a big mountain between those Japanese cities.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16437990 = https://archive.ph/iuAhI
"Those birds have long and colorful feathers."
Translation: Azoknak a madaraknak hosszú és színes tolluk van.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/22687684 = https://archive.ph/pE6QC
"In this city people do not have color televisions."
Translation: Ebben a városban az embereknek nincsenek színes televízióik.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/25465606 = https://archive.ph/Dwq3Z
Profession or profession-nő
"Ön eladó vagy titkárnő?"
Translation:Are you a salesperson or a secretary?
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16435624 = https://archive.ph/rIFoU
vvsey lists a bunch of sentences (word order)
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17228519 = https://archive.ph/nKRSM
words never in focus (mindenki, sentence discussions):
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/29924594 = https://archive.ph/BCb59
( https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/30020600 = https://archive.ph/d4bIb )
Directional conjuctions lessons and word order:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/22714976 = https://archive.ph/E9Cw7
Oda megy be A, ahonnan B kijön. / A oda megy be, ahonnan B kijön.
Preverbs and negation (sentence discussion: A fiúk nem kilépnek az ajtón, hanem kimásznak az ablakon.)
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17962845$comment_id%3D18806072 = https://archive.ph/U6gLS
Placement of CSAK:
"Azokban a kertekben vannak csak virágok...":
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/19062100 = https://archive.ph/LpABh
Check here for more, in the reverse exercise:
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/18105340 = https://archive.ph/Nd7sl
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/30263851 = https://archive.ph/eWLS5
separating preverbs or not,
Main discussion: "Szép, fehér madarak repülnek át a tengeren." https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/20660206 = https://archive.ph/e7d0y
Other similar sentences: "Autók jönnek ki az erdőből." https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18805663 = https://archive.ph/SBSDh
Majmok másznak le a széles magas fákról. https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18751672 = https://archive.ph/7vRRl
Emberek szállnak le a villamosról kabátban és farmerben. https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/21401176 = https://archive.ph/uATUe
A függönyről kígyók, békák, gyíkok és rovarok másznak le. https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17184661 = https://archive.ph/JuS8i
This discussion also deals with the lack of article and word order. Apa emailt ír. Kati fogat mos. Péter magas lányokat lát.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/30460433 = https://archive.ph/zw2vH
Kiugrasz az ablakon. You jump out of the window. Why the -on ending?
"You jump out of the window on the twentieth floor and you run to the bus." Translation: Kiugrasz az ablakon a huszadik emeleten és odafutsz a buszhoz.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/27506668 = https://archive.ph/EKlza
Pályaudvaron, állomáson, piacon. -on ending
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/39019042 = https://archive.ph/aDD2G
(plural possessives mentioned)
"A táskátok nincs itt."
Translation: Your bag is not here.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/27663233 = https://archive.ph/gTB6Q
Hungarian telicity/ perfective aspect, using meg:
Also related to telicity, "Ez a ruha nem volt tiszta, kimostam."
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/22337186 = https://archive.ph/7WRSA
elmennek a .... be
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17984850 = https://archive.ph/64Q97
Hova futsz el.... https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16753966 https://archive.ph/JwQL9
"Nem eszitek meg a vacsorát?"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/23947973 = https://archive.ph/AyJIr
indul, elindul (a sportolók elindulnak....)
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/33200661 = https://archive.ph/thts2
vvsey has some good comments in these sentence discussions:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/28158246 = https://archive.ph/UZ7TM "Megtanultam a magyar nyelvtant."
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/34204241 = https://archive.ph/mIMkw
"Tanultam a magyar nyelvtant."
Another quite good explanation, of the levels of formality (maga vs. ön vs. te vs. "tetszik"):
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17363160 = https://archive.ph/C4RYa
hány, mennyi / Hány autó halad a folyó mellett?
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16692481 = https://archive.ph/HN5vv
"The man who is rich walks over to the woman."
Translation:Az a férfi megy oda a nőhöz amelyik gazdag.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/33002303 = https://archive.ph/eFlzk
Thinking about (gondol vmire/vmiről):
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16909498 https://archive.ph/qrf5d
"Milyen gyűrű ez?" What kind of ring is this?
Milyen ez a gyűrű? What is this ring like?
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/24260838 https://archive.ph/tze7i
Negating more than one part of the sentence:
(e.g. Péterhez nem megy egy lány sem. or Egy lány sem megy Péterhez.)
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/22659235 = https://archive.ph/76yKI
"Next weekend" vs "this weekend":
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/26880071 = https://archive.ph/fpbPz
On (optional) azért in "... azért ..., mert ..." sentences: https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/24730441 = https://archive.ph/UZatG
On catching and grabbing (megfog, elkap, elfog):
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/22744774 https://archive.ph/DWnLG
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17566113 https://archive.ph/IPnz4
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/28704071 https://archive.ph/ax10O
When nem isn't needed in negative "quoting" sentences (with "hisz", "gondol", "válaszol"):
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/28852273 = https://archive.ph/l1i8r
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/30635113 https://archive.ph/5E2cq
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/31975494 https://archive.ph/xnGDa
"His/hers" vs. "one's own"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/25742417 https://archive.ph/pMktX
Passive form:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17383229 https://archive.ph/RuYUH
A long discussion about "fekszel"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16777080 = https://archive.ph/IQXKN
Differentiating "Do you have a key?" and "Do you have your key?" (possessives and the subtleties of translating "to have"):
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/17013503 = https://archive.ph/XKWYR
The other, special kind of "is"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/31040855 = https://archive.ph/ZQg0f
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/26027276 = https://archive.ph/dHBdC
More about possessives:
"A táskátok nincs itt."
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/27663233 = https://archive.ph/gTB6Q
"Kiknek a bakancsa nagy?"
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16982336 = https://archive.ph/9ed6u
How to distinguish between "Do you have (x or y)?" and "Do you have (x) or (y)?", which are ambiguous in English, using emphasis (word order) in Hungarian:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/28447128 https://archive.ph/PQRLi
(It's straightforward if you understand Hungarian word order, but still nifty.)
my keys
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/56542941 = https://archive.ph/RWbMG
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16811724 = https://archive.ph/8Vu18
The Russian Tips&Notes jsiehler refers to says
"In Russian it is typical to describe objects as "standing", "lying", "being situated", "hanging". This is rare in English, and often sounds unnatural, therefore in this course it is perfectly OK to translate a "whereabouts"-verb with a simple "is", "was" etc. "
(Similar in Hungarian. It is the goal to accept "is, was, are parked" in these cases, sadly it is still missing at many sentences. )
Hány, mennyi
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16692481 = https://archive.ph/HN5vv
"In Budapest the houses are like those in Vienna." Budapesten a házak olyanok, amilyenek Bécsben.
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/27600240 = https://archive.ph/GMVkr
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/24197908 = https://archive.ph/wSGhf
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/16475754 = https://archive.ph/zv5Te
These were mentioned by guntunge:
"I am pretty sure the reverse tree Hungarian-English uses -kor, -ig, -ként and -vé somewhere, naponta was definitiely somewhere in there.
Found these: Hetekig"
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/2129001 = https://archive.ph/7fHwq
Elkezdett színészként dolgozni.
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/3770720 = https://archive.ph/yYlXa
Óránként egy kosarat készítünk.
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/3533491 = https://archive.ph/MPGax
A kertben dolgozva találtam rá.
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/1740226 = https://archive.ph/B6kZf
A vizet borrá változtatod.
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/1974412 = https://archive.ph/2Mkpi
A nagynéném évente egy levelet ír.
https://www.duolingo.com/comment/3023887 = https://archive.ph/wAiRq
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