[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2021-11-23 on the Duolingo Hungarian for English speakers forum by peter.kristof.hu ]
The VSO word order
Or rather VS(O). Anyway, this is an inaccurate naming: Verb-Subject-Object. It can be considered Other instead of Object, partly because some sentences have no object.
VSO is a syntactic level description. (You can read more about SVO/SOV/etc. word order here.)
Speaking of linguistics, we can distinguish three abstract levels:
- Pragmatics
- Semantics
- Syntax
Syntax is the study of sentence structure and the rules of grammar.
Semantics deals with the meaning of sentences.
Pragmatics is concerned with the meaning of sentences within a particular context.
The other pair of concepts, the Topic-Comment. It is a pragmatic level notion. It is clear that the topic must be something known, introduced in the discourse, or otherwise known because the comment makes a statement about it. On the other hand, the focus can bring highlighted new information.
If a sentence lacks the focus, it is said to be a neutral sentence. If there is no topic, we say it is a so-called thetic sentence. VS(O) sentences are like this, but there are other structured thetic sentences as well. The opposite of the thetic sentence is the categorical one.
A neutral SVO sentence:
Topic | Comment (Pragmatic level) |
S | V | O (Syntactic level) |
A macska | megeszi | az egeret. |
Other neutral sentences are conceivable for this one:
A macska az egeret megeszi.
Az egeret a macska megeszi.
Megeszi a macska az egeret. (Thetic)
If someone insists on the SVO/SOV/etc. classification, then the SVO order can be considered the most natural sentence.
By the way, I wrote more about neutral sentences and word order in general here.
A thetic, VSO sentence:
Topic | Comment (Pragmatic level) |
V | S | O (Syntactic level) | |
Megeszi | a macska | az egeret. |
A thetic sentence can be seen as a comment on the situation rather than as information about something that is already under consideration. Here the topic is the situation itself. No context is required to interpret the sentence. I note that each language can express thetic judgement in different ways. In Hungarian, such a sentence can be recognised syntactically by the VS(O) structure.
Here, I have collected some example sentences. You can ask about these sentences in the following way:
Mi történt? -- What happened?
Dörög az ég. -- The sky is thundering.
Meleg van. -- It is hot.
Jön a vonat. -- The train is coming.
Bejött egy cica. -- A kitten has come in.
Elhagyott a barátnőm. -- My girlfriend left me.
Odaégette Jolán a vacsorát. -- Jolán burned the dinner.
Árulják a lakásukat a szomszédaim. -- My neighbors are selling their apartment.
Érkezett néhány levél. -- There arrived some letters.
Megharapott egy járókelőt egy kutya. -- A dog bit a passer-by.
Kiabál odakint valaki. -- Somebody is screaming outside.
Leesett egy gyerek a villamosról. -- A child has fallen off the tram.
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