Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Baby animals

We could have a baby animal names collection... English has special words for them, and Hungarian has too

baby bear (bear cub) - bocs, medvebocs

baby lion (lion cub) - oroszlánkölyök

baby cat (kitten, kitty) - cica, kiscica

baby rabbit (bunny) - nyuszi

baby horse (foal) - csikó

baby pig (piglet) - malac

baby cow (calf) - boci, borjú

baby roe deer (deer fawn) - gida

baby chicken (chick) - csibe

baby bird (nestling) - fióka

baby wolf (wolf pup) - farkaskölyök

baby dog (puppy) - kutyakölyök (kiskutya, kutyus)

These Duolingo sentence discussions:
https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/38377433 = https://archive.ph/1Kmuj

https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/32923281 = https://archive.ph/BOi0B

"adult" animal names, for comparison

bear - medve

lion - oroszlán

cat - macska  (but "cica" can be used too)

rabbit  - nyúl

horse - ló

pig  - disznó  (sertés)

cow  - tehén

roe deer  - őz 

deer - szarvas

chicken  - csirke (in general), tyúk (hen), kakas (rooster)

bird  - madár

wolf  - farkas

dog - kutya 


Question by David236909

The hint gives "kölyök" for "cub", not "bocs". Is there a convenient list of names for animals and their young?

Answer by vvsey

Probably not. But this is not that difficult: use "bocs" for bears exclusively, and "kölyök" for all other mammals. Until you run into another exception. This should be a safe enough rule.
OK, I have to correct myself already. The above does not apply to a whole range of mammals: hooved animals, horses, cows, antelopes and such, pigs, etc etc. But we would not use "cub" for those, either.

So, let's just say this: for animals that have "cubs": use "bocs" for bears, and "kölyök" for all others.

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