[#DuolingoForumGems originally posted on 2020-07-09 on the Duolingo Hungarian for English speakers forum by peter.kristof.hu ]
Vowel lengthening in Hungarian
Probably you have noticed the phenomenon that the word-final vowel is often lengthened in an inflected form. The vowel a and e at the end of a word become lengthened when given a suffix. A changes to á and e changes to é respectively. (A and e are so-called short low vowels.) Since the pair of a-á and e-é are qualitatively different too, the difference can be felt not only in writing but also in speech. For example:
béka → békává
(béka = frog, békává változik = turn into frog)
fekete → feketébb
(fekete = black, feketébb = blacker)
This rule is true for most suffixes but does not apply to the boundary of compound words or preverbs: baltanyél (axe handle), belép (enter).
According to szotar.com, there are 5806 Hungarian words ending in a and 1180 words ending in e. However, most of them are compound word or verb with a preverb or inflected form.
Some of these are:
Words ending in a | English meaning |
fa | tree, wood |
alma | apple |
kutya | dog |
óra | watch |
tea | tea |
anya | mother |
béka | frog |
forma | form |
lila | violet |
barna | brown |
lusta | lazy |
háza | his/her house |
Words ending in e | English meaning |
ige | verb |
mese | tale |
medve | bear |
zene | music |
bögre | mug |
elme | mind |
szőke | blond |
füge | fig |
béke | peace |
fekete | black |
gyenge | weak |
pénze | his/her money |
Examples for suffixes:
Suffix | English meaning |
-k | plural suffix |
-bb | comparative suffix |
-m | possessive suffix 1st person singular |
-ban/-ben | in |
-nál/-nél | at |
-hoz-/hez/(-höz) | to |
-ból/-ből | from |
-juk/-jük | possessive suffix 3rd person plural |
-jú/-jű | e.g. jó formájú = good formed |
Examples for inflected words:
Word | Inflected form |
fa | fák |
gyenge | gyengébb |
bögre | bögrém |
háza | házában |
béka | békánál |
alma | almából |
kutya | kutyájuk |
forma | formájú |
A language would not be a natural language if there were no irregularities. The following endings are exceptions where a and e remain unchanged:
-kor: távozás → távozásakor (at his leaving)
-i: haza → hazai (domestic)
-ság/-ség: katona → katonaság (soldiery)
-szerű: mese → meseszerű (like a fairy tale)
-féle: macska → macskaféle (feline)
Nevertheless, the main rule is a word ends in a or e and takes a suffix, the word-final vowel is to be lengthened.
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So far, "irregular" suffixes seem easy to spot - they are all syllablic and they have only one form (-szerű, -féle, -i, -kor) or they are formative (-ság/-ség, -szerű, -féle and arguably -i).
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A language would not be a natural language if there were no irregularities. The following endings are exceptions where a and e remain unchanged
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