[This is taken from the Duolingo Hungarian Tips and Notes, Geography skill]
Németországban, Magyarországon
In Germany is Németországban, but in Hungary is Magyarországon. But why do they have different endings?
Most towns in Hungary take surface suffixes (-n,-on -en -ön ), while the majority of places outside of Hungary use inside suffixes (-ban, -ben ):
• Szegedre - Szegeden - Szegedről: to, in, from Szeged
• Bécsbe - Bécsben - Bécsből: to, in, from Vienna
• Magyarországra - Magyarországon - Magyarországról: to, in, from Hungary
• Svédországba - Svédországban - Svédországból: to, in, from Sweden
Exception to these rules are Hungarian towns that end with : -i, -j, -m, -n, -ny, and -r (unless it is in -vár ... ) ! These take the inside suffixes: Tamásiból, Tokajban, Veszprémben, Debrecenből, Tihanyba, Egerben.
Takes the -ban-ben case | Takes the -on -en -ön case |
Countries: | Countries: |
Most foreign countries | Magyarország |
(a few islands) | most islands |
Japánban, Kubában | Izlandon, Máltán, Korzikán, Krétán, Madagaszkáron |
- | ending with -föld |
- | Thaiföldön |
Cities/Towns: | Cities/Towns: |
Cities outside Hungary | Most Hungarian towns |
Londonban, Berlinben | Budapesten, Szegeden |
Hungarian cities ending -i, -j, -m, -n, and -ny | In neighboring countries, towns with Hungarian names |
Debrecenben, Veszprémben | Kassán, Aradon (but: Bécsben) |
See also this link: Myhunlang blog: Suffixes / Adverbs of Place
Irregular towns
In the case of Pécs and a few other towns there's a third, archaic, suffix in use: Pécsett, Győrött. But Duo also accepts the regular forms: Pécsen, Győrben.
Nowadays, more and more people use the Pécsen, Győrben forms and the -ett -ött ending is falling out of use, but they are technically correct...
Names of rivers, lakes, islands, hills, mountains, roads, streets, squares, buildings, and institutes tend to have a definite article, even if it's not used in the English translation.
A Margitsziget
A Parlament
A Budai Vár
A Kékestető
A Duna
A Tisza
A Balaton
A Margitszigetre megyek. - I am going to Margaret Island.
A Duna mellett sétálunk. - We are walking next to the Danube.
City and town names are used without an article.
Budapesten lakom. - I live in Budapest
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