In the old layout, the Tree, each skill had a skill name.
Now in the Path, every bubble has a "skill descriptor" instead.
sometimes I included more name variants, because we had a "short name" but also a "grammary name" for the same skill
1 Basics = Name things and people (unit 1 )
2 Intros = talk about nationalities and languages (unit 1 )
3 Qualities = Describe people and things (unit 2 )
4 Phrases = greet people (unit 2 )
5 Where? (-ban -ben ending appears) = Say where people and things are (unit 3 )
6 School = communicate at school (unit 3 )
7 Verbs 1 = Use verbs in present tense (unit 4 )
8 Café = Accusative 1 = Talk about food and drink (unit 4 )
9 Feelings = Express feelings (unit 5 )
10 Jobs = identify professions (unit 5 )
11 Food = Talk about cooking and eating (unit 6 )
12 More = Plurals = form the plural of nouns (unit 7 )
13 Numbers 1 = Express quantities (unit 7 )
14 Verbs 2 = say what we and they do (unit 8 )
15 Places 1 = Locate places in a city (unit 8 )
16 Come & Go = Irregular verbs = use the verbs come and go (unit 9 )
17 Time = Tell time (unit 9 )
18 This That = Use different forms of this and that (unit 10 )
19 Days = Talk about schedules (unit 10 )
20 Shopping = shop for clothes (unit 11 )
21 Hobbies = Infinitive verbs = Talk about hobbies and habits (unit 11 )
22 On Top = superessive case (-on -en -ön -n) = indicate the location (unit 12 )
23 Describing = Adjectives 1 = Describe things and people (unit 12 )
24 There Is = use van and nincs (unit 13 )
25 Weather = Talk about the weather (unit 13 )
26 My Cat (possessive) = form the possessive (unit 14 )
27 Nations = Name nationalities (unit 14 )
28 What? = Accusative 2 = form direct objects (unit 15 )
29 Body Parts = Describe health issues (unit 15 )
30 Numbers 2 = express quantity (unit 16 )
31 I See It = definite- indefinite = Use definite verb forms (unit 16 )
32 Family = talk about your family (unit 17 )
33 I Do It = Definite conjugation 1 = Discuss everyday activities (unit 17 )
34 Me & You = Accusative pronouns = refer to you and me (unit 18 )
35 Verbs 3 = Say what people are doing (unit 18 )
36 Love ( -lak-lek ending) = express emotions (unit 19 )
37 Languages = Say what languages you speak (unit 19 )
38 Stuff = plural accusative 1 = use direct objects in plural form (unit 20 )
39 You Do It = Definite conjugation 2 = Talk about activities (unit 20 )
40 Travel = ask about directions (unit 21 )
41 Cafeteria (-os-es-ös-s ending) = Order food (unit 21 )
42 To have 1 = talk about what you have (unit 22 )
43 Stuff 2 = plural accusative 2 = Express actions (unit 22 )
44 Giving = Dative (-nak -nek) = talk about giving someone something (unit 23 )
45 New Things = plural adjectives = Describe things and people (unit 23 )
46 Arts = Talk about art activities (unit 24 )
47 Sports = Comment on sports (unit 24 )
48 Inside = inessive case (-ban-ben) = Talk about being inside (unit 25 )
49 Beside = adessive case (-nál-nél) = Say what and who is beside something else (unit 25 )
50 Clothing = describe outfits (unit 26 )
51 Household = Talk about your home (unit 26 )
52 Ownership (possessive) = discuss possession (unit 27 )
53 Better = Comparative adjectives = Compare things and people (unit 27 )
54 Year = express dates and times (unit 28 )
55 Digital = Talk about technology (unit 28 )
56 This That 2 = use different forms of this and that (unit 29 )
57 Party = Talk about celebrations (unit 29 )
58 Memories = Past tense = describe past events (unit 30 )
59 Animals = Talk about animals (unit 30 )
60 With (-val -vel) = say who you do things with (unit 31 )
61 Colors = Talk about colors (unit 31 )
62 First! = ordinal numbers = use ordinal numbers (unit 32 )
63 No! = negation = Make negative statements (unit 33 )
64 To Have 2 = say what others have (unit 33 )
65 Now & Then = Past & Present = Distinguish past and present (unit 34 )
66 Into (-ba -be) = describe movement into (unit 34 )
67 Onto (-ra -re) = Discuss direction (unit 35 )
68 Toward (-hoz -hez -höz) = describe movement toward (unit 35 )
69 Moving 1 = Preverbs 1 = Clarify directions (unit 36 )
70 Moving 2 = Preverbs 2 = use verbal prefixes in negative sentences (unit 36 )
71 Into 2 = Indicate movement into places (unit 37 )
72 Onto 2 = describe direction (unit 37 )
73 Toward 2 = Describe movement toward a place (unit 38 )
74 Geography = state geography facts (unit 38 )
75 Memories 2 = Make statements about the past (unit 39 )
76 Linking = form complex sentences (unit 39 )
77 ThisThat 3 = Discuss choices (unit 40 )
78 Story 1 = talk about experiences and changes (unit 40 )
79 Describe 2 = Adjectives 2 = Describe things and people (unit 41 )
80 Moving 3 = Preverbs 3 = use verbal prefixes (unit 41 )
81 Travel 2 = Talk about travel (unit 42 )
82 Story 2 = say what happened (unit 42 )
83 Out of = elative case (ból-ből) = Discuss origins (unit 43 )
84 Down from = delative case (ról-ről) = indicate the starting point (unit 43 )
85 Away from = ablative case (tól-től) = Describe distances (unit 44 )
86 ThisThat 4 = combine postpositions with this and that (unit 44 )
87 Future = Discuss future plans (unit 45 )
88 Names and Family = talk about neighbors and friends (unit 45 )
89 To & From = Clarify locations (unit 46 )
90 Cooking = talk about cooking and eating (unit 46 )
91 Places 2 = Discover a city (unit 47 )
92 Directions = ask about directions (unit 47 )
93 Now&Then 2 = Past & Present 2 = Talk about the past (unit 48 )
94 Which? = use relative pronouns (unit 48 )
95 My Horse (possessive) = Talk about belongings (unit 49 )
96 Math = make calculations (unit 49 )
97 Someone = Use everybody and somebody (unit 50 )
98 Somewhere = use everywhere and somewhere (unit 50 )
99 To have 3 = Describe what people have (unit 51 )
100 This That 5 = use different forms of this and that (unit 51 )
101 Rain On Me = Adverbial possessives = Combine suffixes (unit 52 )
102 Origin = Ablative Postpositional Pronouns = indicate the starting point (unit 52 )
103 Position = Adessive Postpositional Pronouns = Talk about position (unit 53 )
104 Goal = Allative Postpositional Pronouns = use postpositions (unit 53 )
105 My Cats = plural possessive = Form plural possessives (unit 54 )
106 Do It! = imperative = tell others what to do (unit 54 )
107 Numbers 3 = Talk about how many (unit 55 )
108 Practice = use verb conjugations (unit 55 )
109 Quoting = Express opinions (unit 56 )
110 All Mine = possessive object = combine suffixes (unit 56 )
Units 57 -71 are personalized practice.
Hungarian for English speakers, Tree 2, 110 skills, which got transformed into 71 units
A few more details about the first 7 skills:
Basics: very basic, like “the car and the apple”. Usually not complete sentences.
Intros: Beszélek magyarul. Beszélsz magyarul? Magyar vagyok. Angol vagy? (danger: both magyarul and magyar included.)
The formal “you” (ön) also appears here, along with uram, hölgyem.
Qualities: sentences where “van” is omitted.
Phrases: similar to the old Phrases (but “paprikást kérek” and “Menj!” was removed)
Where?: sentences where “van” is used.
School: 3 verbs appear: áll, ír, tanul. (állok, írok, tanulok, állsz, írsz, tanulsz) Plus school-related words (szünet, füzet, könyv, tanterem, könyvtár, iskola)
Verbs 1: regular verbs, only singular, present tense, indefinite